The antennas will be approximately where I marked on those images.
This time with a few extra challenges.
Rig will be ATS-3B (Designed by KD1JV)
Antennas will be from QRPGUYS for 80m I'll use the 80/60m Vertical Antenna and for 40/20/15 & 10m I'll used the 40m-10m UnUn Plus
I will also take the QRPLABS Hans Summers, G0UPL designed QCX on 30m and a SOTA Beams WSPRLite (also on 30m) and will be qrv before the contest as M1KTA and the WSPRlite will be on during the contest.
I found the tiny new Mini USB Keyer from K1EL a must have for contesting with Win-Test as used so well as C6AKT earlier this year in BERU/RSGB Commonwealth Contest (won the Lilliput trophey for winning the QRP category) in UK you'll find KANGAUK have it available.
Got a nice shack too, I had operated from an old shed on exact same location in 2016.