Monday, 15 August 2016

E51KTA update

I can confirm dates...

E51KTA should be QRV 10th March to 19th March.

Can only promise BERU w/e on S Cook dunno exactly where I will be after
that maybe N Cook maybe not... best listen on air.

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

20m 40m and 80m during IOTA contest

At one point I connected up SDR-RX (SDRPlay) to an antenna and grabbed these...

The regular lines were my adding QRM :-)

Monday, 8 August 2016

Use a hex beam vertically by the sea

I have use a 20m vertical moxon before to good effect. So was interested in one option with an antenna I have..... take the Hex-beam and turn it through 90 degrees and stick it on a pole next to the sea....

Well modelling says it will work.... thanks to F5VHN
vertical Hexbeam over sea water on a pole of 4m ,  ie 4m to the boom . Higher is NOT better as it creates high lobes .  see 10m

Now to try it out.

EU-011 Site Photos

These were taken by one of the staff at the farm/campsite who had a drone were taken before everything was up... whilst the weather was nice.

The small wooden shed in middle left by itself surrounded by hedges was the 'shack'. Was bumped out of the milking parlor/ shed and field as they needed those and the shed was piled high with fodder they had just collected before wet weather came in. The 10m, 15m and 20m VDA are up in the scruffy looking patch nearer the bottom. To the right you can see the 80m vertical. After this was taken I put up a 2el 40m in the field next to it. The whole area was covered with radials and I had to add extra guys to most things. You are looking almost due west.

Sadly the empty field nearest the sea had some calves in it with very protective mum's so was off limits.

I'll put up some more photos of the setup later...